Sagano, better known as Arashiyama, is a vast area in Ukyo-ku district, northwest of Kyoto city, encircled by Mounts Ogura and Atago and the Katsura river.
This oddly designed tower is a cenotaph, in other words a funerary monument that doesn’t contain human remains but was erected in memory of a person, or group of people.
Chance discoveries are often the most amazing. It was on the road to Nippara limestone caves that I found this village of little interest yet total surprise.
It’s early. I call on my host: couldn’t you recommend an island around here for my morning constitutional? Of course, he told me. So join my mate on his boat down there. He’ll take you to his place! On Goat Island...
"Jewelry Ice" is a completely unique phenomenon that can be observed at Otsu Beach in the city of Toyokoro, Hokkaido. During winter, the Tokachi River, which flows near this fishing town, freezes under the very cold...
I didn’t happen across these strange circles of trees while soaring over the Japanese landscape but, like many curious folk, I found them on social networks. As these always show the same photos, I decided to check them...
When I arrived in Takehara one evening, I was expecting a little village wedged between a calm, silky sea on one side and mountains verdant with bamboo on the other.
For those who enjoy driving and don’t find cliffs and mountain switchbacks too scary, the Iya Valley offers magnificent landscapes and dozens of remote little villages, each one more piquant than the last.
Quitting the autoroute that leads to the town of Chizu, I take a mountain road. It’s typical of this terrain where you often come across deer, foxes, monkeys, sometimes even bears, especially early morning just before...
Frantically I put my foot down, driving along the incredible Route 106 (the last stretch of road to the north of Hokkaido) through a storm where the sky and the ocean are as one.
Aogashima is a very mysterious island. Online, always the same photos taken from a helicopter, sometimes photoshopped. But what’s really hidden behind these lava walls?
It’s not an easy encounter. I’d already visited a few years ago, but a gathering storm made it impossible for me to approach these monsters and stroke their silken fur.