Replica of Satsuki and Meis house from My Neighbor Totoro at Worlds Fair in Nagoya.
Full-scale replica of Satsuki and Meis charming house from My Neighbor Totoro at the Worlds Fair in Nagoya, Japan.

Totoro, Totoro! Satsuki and Mei’s house

Welcome to Satsuki and Mei’s house, in Aichi. This is the only reconstitution based on My Neighbor Totoro.

My room sags under the weight of Totoro promotions: cuddly toys, of course, but also key rings, towels, rugs, books, underwear, mugs, and stickers attached to everything else. So eventually I just had to try and get as close to my hero as I could, on his home ground.

Totoro, aichi, asia, chubu, house, japan, japanese, nagoya, people

Welcome to Satsuki and Mei’s house at Aichi Exhibition Center. This is the only replica of their home in the movie My Neighbor Totoro. It’s teeming with details from the animation, with an atmosphere that’d turn a despot into a care bear.

aichi, asia, chubu, house, japan, japanese, nagoya

A minor drawback—the place is a victim of its own success. You need to buy tickets in advance, allowing 30 minutes to freely explore the house, together with any other fans. And where’s Totoro in all this? Hey, the little devil is probably counting the ticket money!

Totoro, aichi, asia, chubu, house, japan, japanese, nagoya, people

This is a fascinating pilgrimage site for Totoro fans, along with the Ghibli Museum in Tokyo and Totoro Forest at Saitama.

Photo Gallery

There’s plenty of places in Japan with a Ghibli feel to them. Do you know of any?

And for more awesome content about Japan, follow Jordy Meow on Instagram ! 🎵

Who Am I

Jordy Meow
This is me!

I am Jordy Meow, a French photographer based in Tokyo. I explore offbeat places in Japan.


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