Vibrant Vermilion Torii Gates at Serene Japanese Shrine Garden
Winding vermilion torii gates lead through a serene Japanese shrine garden with blooming hydrangeas and tranquil ponds.

Takayama Inari Shrine

Follow the Senbon-Torii path through the red gates to meet the foxes and the goddess Inari …

Takayama Inari (高 山 稲 荷 神 社) is a Shinto shrine dedicated to the goddess Inari Ōkami. It stands on a hill at Tsugaru city, northern Japan, a few kilometres north-east of Aomori.

Takayama Inari Shrine
Takayama Inari Shrine

Takayama Inari: the Fushimi Inari of the north

Takayama Inari shrine seems to have been founded in the Kamakura period (1185–1333). The powerful Ando clan that ruled the region at the time are thought to have built it as a place of prayer. It was once called “San-oh-jinja”, but renamed at the close of the Edo era (mid-19th century).

Takayama Inari Shrine
Takayama Inari Shrine

The winding path through the scarlet-red torii gates, a feature common to all Japan’s Inari shrines, is especially remarkable here.

This site is dedicated to productive harvests, safety at sea and business acumen. Many farmers, merchants and managers come to pray and make offerings for the success of their ventures.

Takayama Inari Shrine
Takayama Inari Shrine

A smaller version of the famed Fushimi Inari shrine in Kyoto, the Takayama Inari Jinja is known as the “Fushimi Inari of the north”. It has only about 200 red gates, whereas in Kyoto there are over 10,000.

The unique path to the summit is called the “Senbon-Torii” (千 本 鳥 居) although in neither shrine are there 1,000 torii (senbon 千 本 = 1,000). The term actually refers to a “torii corridor” or “plethora of torii”, without a precise number.

Takayama Inari Shrine
Takayama Inari Shrine

Each of these red gates is an offering to the shrine from a believer, so the path has gradually extended over time.

Another characteristic of the Inari shrines is the omnipresence of foxes, the divine messengers.

The goddess Inari Okami

Inari Ōkami (稲 荷 大 神) is the Japanese kami (Shinto deity or spirit) of foxes, rice, fertility, sake, agriculture, industry, prosperity and success … no less!

Takayama Inari Shrine
Takayama Inari Shrine

Inari is sometimes represented in masculine, feminine or androgynous form. Sometimes alone, sometimes considered a trio or a collective of five kamis.

The immaculate white foxes are her messengers.

The legend goes that Inari arrived in Japan at the time of the country’s creation. Descending from the heavens riding on a white fox, she carried in her hands sheaves of cereal and grain which were offered to mankind.

Takayama Inari Shrine
Takayama Inari Shrine

Inari is a popular deity in Japan, with around 32,000 shrines thought to be dedicated to her throughout the archipelago. Also present in popular culture, often appearing in manga and anime.

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Who Am I

Jordy Meow
This is me!

I am Jordy Meow, a French photographer based in Tokyo. I explore offbeat places in Japan.


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