A snowy white rabbit nestles among vibrant purple flowers in a lush garden, its plush fur and closed eyes exuding tranquility amid natures beauty.
Peaceful white rabbit naps amid vibrant purple blooms in idyllic garden setting.
Let's go discover this very special haikyo with a man who is equally special, or maybe not.
Located in the cool depths of a mine, in the heartlands of central Japan, the design of this neutrino detector is mind-boggling.
Curious to know how Roppongi would look like during a typhoon ? So here it is ! Roppongi during the Typhoon Roke. A very short article, but on time for once ;)
In Yokohama, near Tokyo, is one of the most famous ruins of Japan: the Negishi Grandstand. This is a favorite spot among Japanese urban explorers but despite its outside, I have never dared to explore it.
I am Jordy Meow, a French photographer based in Tokyo. I explore offbeat places in Japan.
Created by Jordy Meow. Copyright © 2025.
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