Tranquil Japanese alleyway at night with historic architecture, lush greenery, and a red bicycle.
Discover the quiet beauty of a traditional Japanese alleyway at night.

16 Best Abandoned Places in Japan 2014

Here are my best 16 explorations of abandoned places in Japan in 2014.

It has been a very busy but happy year. However, meanwhile, Totoro Times got covered by a Fujiesque pile of dust! I am now blowing it away with a new cleaner design. Many articles are also about to be published but for starters, as for 2012 and 2013, here is my 2014's "Haikyo Best Of". I actually did find some time to explore a little 🙂

16. The Clinic of the Stray Dog

I have visited many abandoned hospitals in Japan (check my selection of abandoned hospitals and abandoned clinics) and was not expecting any new surprises. The Clinic of the Stray Dog pleased me in that sense: it is a really fun location to discover and just around Tokyo. What I didn't know is that a stray dog lives inside! It took me a while before to be stupid enough to get into that place, walk beside the dog looking at me with its dead eyes and go upstairs. My friend – she is not a haikyo explorer – waited for me the whole time wondering if I was fine. And I was, enjoying the very Ghiblish second floor and fearing to go downstairs and meet that poor little guy again.

abandoned, haikyo, hospital, japan, japanese, ruin, urban exploration, urbex

15. Nichitsu School

Memories definitely change our perception of the places and that is probably why I enjoyed my re-visit of the School of Nichitsu. For those who don't know, Nichitsu is a famous abandoned village and, still, an active mining company in Saitama. I felt like this place didn't change at all since my first time there in 2011 but my life did, so much. Somehow I found myself entering a very thin and fragile spacetime, between the life of those students who once where, and my three-years younger myself.

abandoned, haikyo, japan, japanese, ruin, school, urban exploration, urbex

14. Abandoned Schools in Kyoto

Having to meet one French friend in Osaka, I decided to stop by Kyoto on the way to meet another friend of mine, my haikyo-buddy だみあん (Damian is on Flickr). We had a nice time lunching in the garden of an old abandoned school with two models then we took pictures of them. It was simple, sweet and relaxing.

By the way, please check my article about abandoned schools in Japan if you are interested in those :)

13. Ponbetsu & Horonai Mines in Hokkaido

I love Hokkaido and managed to go twice this year. The first time was with my travel buddy Airi-chan, not a haikyo explorer but a girl who loves photography and adventures. We didn't have the opportunity to do anything amazingly crazy but I went back to two abandoned mines I enjoyed before: Ponbetsu and Horonai. Hokkaido has many cool haikyo but I have to admit: the landscapes are even better.

12. Clinic of the Mining Village

The closure of the mines left a lot of Hokkaido towns half-abandoned. This clinic is in an extremely bad state, the walls falling down and the building from outside is tilted. However, the surgery room is sparkling clean, eery, looks like it is still in use.


11. Taushubetsu Bridge

One of my dreams was to walk on the Taushubetsu Bridge in Hokkaido, right in the center of the island of Hokkaido. But when we arrived, I didn't expect that the 4km road to the bridge was actually forbidden at all times, because of bears! We decided to go nevertheless, under the eyes of our furry hungry friends, keeping them away by talking loud and playing music…


10. The Forgotten Swimming-Pool

It's very early in the morning and I am walking around an abandoned swimming pool. The haikyo is surrounded by a metal fence and there is no easy way to get in. "Are you sure you can climb it?" I asked Mana Dancer, my friend and today's model. "Yeah, sure, why not!". It's her first haikyo but she's certainly not scared. I help her, we get in, and bring to the sad broken-down swimming-pool a bit of life and glory for a moment.


9. Strip Club

The end of afternoon rays wakes up the calcined floor of the old abandoned strip-club. It's warm, very warm for a winter day but Mana Dancer decides to set the podium on fire. An unforgettable moment of fun with the sunset, the light that runs on the walls before escaping the place, the flashes and the erotic and satanic dance.

8. The Shrine of the Sleeping Lake

My Japanese family lives in Fukushima Prefecture (far from the sea and the nuclear plants) and that is why I am going there nearly every month. Being certainly one of the most beautiful prefecture of Japan, I feel this is dramatic that the events of 2011 are still being scary for the foreign tourists. The shrine lays in the depth of the lake, which was created during the Mount Bandai eruption. What we see here is a tori facing that now invisible shrine. Not only the shrine is in the water, a whole village is also there, with its secrets. Let's discover more about this place later this year.


7. Abandoned School in Yamanashi

I am having a great time with Satomi's cute daughters. They love haikyo, modeling and they are the perfect fit for this old school in Yamanashi. We made a story through photos of them entering the school, having a class, playing music, having a break outside, etc. It deserves an article later so please look forward to it! We already went for more adventures all together, this year gonna be fun.

6. Royal House

This abandoned house has everything to please. From its location in the forest to its western appearance, surrounded by a Japanese mystery in which appears a wealthy British business-man and Queen Elizabeth. If you don't know this house already, please check the Abandoned House in the Forest and Royal House: Stories from the Past. Only one part was missing to the story: an end. This is done now. Ai-chan, in the role of the last family member, discovering the place and, also, her story.

5. Nara Dreamland

My 4th visit to Nara Dreamland was surprisingly also the scariest: I was not alone in Nara Dreamland this time, there was also another person! We could see his torchlight, hear him from time to time (actually talking) but we never met him. Well, we did our best to avoid it too 😉 This didn't stop Matthieu and me not to climb all the abandoned roller-coasters of the park under a sky full of stars. We had a really romantic time, in a way.

4. Shitamachi

Shitamachi is an area in Tokyo filled-up with old buildings, mostly around Sentagi area and Nezu. In reality, shitamachi can be found anywhere, as long as the place possesses that old vibe that caracterizes the Edo Period.

Shitamachi Vibes

3. The Ogushi Mine

"Look! What a funny-looking deer! OH WAIT! That's a bear! A big roundy fluffy bear!". Mimi-chan, my haikyo friend is surprised and delighted. It's her first bear. Second one for me, after a surprising encounter in a swamp in Fukushima. This is not a joke, Japan is full of bears! Since that, I never go out in the wild without my little anti-bear-bell (and my tripod, which might be as useful). We decided to be really careful when exploring the Ogushi Mine by night. I parked the car, played my favorite playlist out loud and we took photos around, dancing under the milky way. I didn't feel sorry for the bears for the disturbance of the peace.


2. The Abandoned Mine of Nichitsu

For the first time, I had the chance to visit the abandoned part of the mine of Nichitsu. That wasn't easy, I tried before and failed twice for different reasons. But this time, with my adorable haikyo-buddy Junya- kun, we went and enjoyed the colors of autumn at their best. We were only startled once and we had to run as fast as we can! Give me some time to come back to you on this with a full report 🙂 Oh, and this is Joan by the way.

1. Gunkanjima

As for Nara Dreamland, I enjoyed my 4th visit to Gunkanjima in 2014. This time, I went with my good buddies Airi-chan and Marutan with a project in mind. It was also the occasion for Marutan to live one his dreams! But somehow, we all ended up having a nap at the top of the island for one hour 🙂 During the morning, Doutoku Sakamoto, a former inhabitant of the island, joined and took us to a few places important to him. That was a really beautiful visit and that made of Gunkanjima my best haikyo memory of this year. If you don't know it already, please check my article about the abandoned island: Gunkanjima, 10 Stories, 200 Photos.

Voilà for this year! Wanna jump to my next best of? Here are the Best Abandoned Places in Japan 2015-2016.

And for more awesome content about Japan, follow Jordy Meow on Instagram ! 🎵


  • Sorry to go completely off topic, but for some reason one thought came into my mind… Your model friend in #2 should consider a navel piercing. Just a simple one would look absolutely great on her.

    • I asked her to reply to you in person but she seems a bit busy. Yes, that would fit pretty good, I agree! But getting her out for a walk is difficult enough. It might surprise you but she is… the most lazy girl I know! :p

      • Hey!!!! Sorry I took my time…hahaha
        I’ve thought about a naval piercing before but decided it wasn’t for me. Thanks for the suggestion though, Spiny Norman.
        And you, Jordy. I’m not THAT lazy!!! okay, maybe a little… I still enjoyed posing for photos.

  • I love every piece of your art! I never been to japan and it is in my top travel list. I love japanese culture it is so mysterious and ancient. Basically i am chinese just that japanese inspire me alot. I from malaysia it is a hot country but is a wonderful place with many cultures also. Keep up the good work!! wish to see more..

    • Wah, thanks so much Charissa! I love the mysterious and ancient part, unfortunately most of it nowadays is not 😉 Please follow Totoro Times on Facebook, I am posting a photo there every day 🙂 You are Chinese from Malaysia? I have been with your people.. a lot! For some reason :p

      • Just though so as our people like to go around the world without any reason. Happy that i still can see alot of japan scenery through your facebook! Support you always.. *thumbs up*

  • Les différentes photos sont sublimes.
    Je ne suis pas spécialiste en la matière, mais y a-t-il moyen de savoir quel genre d’équipement tu utilises ? Est-ce que toutes ces photos sont du one-shot ou est-ce que ça te nécessite beaucoup de retouche derrière ?
    Parce que les couleurs sur certains plans sont assez stupéfiantes, je pense notamment à celui de Shitamachi.

    En tout cas c’est le dépaysement total 😉

    • Merci 🙂 L’appareil photo importe peu (sauf si tu veux faire des grandes impressions) mais ensuite c’est surtout le cadrage, l’heure, les conditions, mais tu as dû voir que les photos n’étaient pas prises n’importe quand 🙂 Sinon j’utilise du Nikon en ce moment et ma lentille préférée pour ces lieux est la Nikon 14-24mm. Ensuite, des retouches, bien-sûr, je n’aime pas les poubelles qui trainent, les têtes qui dépassent, etc 🙂

  • How did I know Gunkanjima would be Number 1 on your list!! Hehehe. 🙂

  • Hello! Great photos. Are any of these places in the central Tokyo area? The swimming pool and strip club, for example?

      • Thank you so much for the quick response! The reason I ask is that I’m looking for an interesting large space (at least 200 square metres, with a ceiling height of at least 4 metres!), hopefully with some natural light, for an exhibition next February. In Tokyo. It is no easy task! If you happen to have any ideas about where to look I would love to hear them.
        Thanks so much. And again, excellent blog!

  • Hello Jordy. I love the photos that you’ve shared with the community. Anyways, I’m headed to Osaka at the end of the month. Other than Nara dreamland, where would you suggest I go around the region? I’m not very familiar with Japan so I’m not sure if those places you shared are in the Kansai region.

  • hello
    realy nice photos 🙂
    i am a photographer from germany and come to japan for a trip
    i will stay in kyoto and found your side.
    i love lost places and will be happy for some tips from you where i can find it.

    thank you

  • Bonjour Jordy,

    Merci de partager toutes tes belles photos et tes aventures. J’aimerais savoir si tu partageais les adresses des endroits abandonnés où tu t’aventures ?! Je vais voyager à Tokyo en fin d’année et je souhaiterais visiter un ou deux endroits abandonnées.

    Merci par avance de ta réponse 🙂
    Bonne journée, Cordialement.

    • Bonjour Bertrand. Non, désolé… Pour bien trop de raisons, je ne peux simplement pas le faire, que ça soit ici ou en privé. Ensuite pour les endroits “connus”, il suffit de chercher, de demander l’aide d’un amis qui parle Japonais, parfois certains lieux peuvent être trouvés facilement.

  • Mulheres bonitas e cenários abandonados esse é sempre uma boa combinação, infelizmente não tem muito disso no meu país.

Who Am I

Jordy Meow
This is me!

I am Jordy Meow, a French photographer based in Tokyo. I explore offbeat places in Japan.


Spherical sunrise, Blue mist whispers tales of dawn— Pink sky captures dreams. 球形の夜明け、 青い霧が夜明けの物語をささやく— ピンクの空が夢をつかむ。 #elevatedviews #dawncolors #scenicjapan #viewingplatform #offbeatjapan #japan #mistymornings
Spherical sunrise, Blue mist whispers tales of dawn— Pink sky captures dreams. 球形の夜明け、 青い霧が夜明けの物語をささやく— ピンクの空が夢をつかむ。 #elevatedviews #dawncolors #scenicjapan #viewingplatform #offbeatjapan #japan #mistymornings
Petals softly glow, Under lanterns' warm embrace, Spring whispers of dreams. ---花びら光る、 灯籠の温かさ、 春の夢ささやく。 ---#SakuraMagic #CherryBlossoms #SpringInJapan #Hanami #NightBeauty #OffbeatJapan #Japan
Spotted sphere whispers, Yellow art meets azure waves, Naoshima dreams.---点の囁き 黄色と青波 直島の夢---#YayoiKusama #NaoshimaArt #ContemporaryArt #ArtIsland #offbeatjapan #japan #PolkaDotDreams
Endless blues embrace, Green whispers on ancient hills, Nature's canvas blooms. ---終わりなき青 古い丘に緑囁く 自然のキャンバス咲く ---#offbeatjapan #japan #naturephotography #serenescape #japaneselandscape #lakebiwa #foresthues #explorejapan
Moss cloaks ancient stone, Verdant whispers surround you— Nature's quiet shrine. ---苔覆う 緑の囁きに 静寂の社 ---#offbeatjapan #japan #nature #spirituality #jizo #moss #serenity #greenery
Emerald whispers, Stone monks in silent prayer, Nature's quiet hymn. ---エメラルドの囁き、 石の僧侶静かに祈る、 自然の静かな賛歌。 ---#NatureMeditation #SpiritualSerenity #MossyMonks #TempleGardens #SacredJapan #OffbeatJapan #Japan
Violet whispers, Amongst murmuring blossoms, Concrete dreams unfold. 紫のささやき、 花々のざわめきの中で、 コンクリートの夢が広がる。#HydrangeaDreams #AjisaiSeason #GardenWhispers #ConcretePath #VibrantJapan #OffbeatJapan #Japan