Prince Edward Islands Avonlea Replica in Japan

Picturesque Avonlea village replica with quaint buildings nestled by serene waters in Japan.

Avonlea Village Replica, Japans Anne of Green Gables Attraction

A semi-abandoned replica of Prince Edward Islands Avonlea village, known for its connection to the Anne of Green Gables novels, nestled in a picturesque setting in Japan, featuring quaint buildings surrounded by lush greenery and a serene body of water.

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Who Am I

Jordy Meow
This is me!

I am Jordy Meow, a French photographer based in Tokyo. I explore offbeat places in Japan.


Concrete dreams decay, Green vines cradle forgotten, Nature whispers here.  コンクリートの夢崩れ行く、 緑の蔦が抱く、 自然が囁く。  #haikyo #urbexjapan #japanphotography #naturevsman #forgottenplaces #offbeatjapan #japan
Luminous shisa, Rustic browns meet starry night— Guardians aglow. ---輝くシーサー、 錆びた色に星空— 光る守護神。 ---#OkinawaMagic #CulturalGuardians #NighttimeMystery #ShisaStatue #MythicalJapan #offbeatjapan #japan
Spherical sunrise, Blue mist whispers tales of dawn— Pink sky captures dreams. 球形の夜明け、 青い霧が夜明けの物語をささやく— ピンクの空が夢をつかむ。 #elevatedviews #dawncolors #scenicjapan #viewingplatform #offbeatjapan #japan #mistymornings
Petals softly glow, Under lanterns' warm embrace, Spring whispers of dreams. ---花びら光る、 灯籠の温かさ、 春の夢ささやく。 ---#SakuraMagic #CherryBlossoms #SpringInJapan #Hanami #NightBeauty #OffbeatJapan #Japan
Spotted sphere whispers, Yellow art meets azure waves, Naoshima dreams.---点の囁き 黄色と青波 直島の夢---#YayoiKusama #NaoshimaArt #ContemporaryArt #ArtIsland #offbeatjapan #japan #PolkaDotDreams
Endless blues embrace, Green whispers on ancient hills, Nature's canvas blooms. ---終わりなき青 古い丘に緑囁く 自然のキャンバス咲く ---#offbeatjapan #japan #naturephotography #serenescape #japaneselandscape #lakebiwa #foresthues #explorejapan
Moss cloaks ancient stone, Verdant whispers surround you— Nature's quiet shrine. ---苔覆う 緑の囁きに 静寂の社 ---#offbeatjapan #japan #nature #spirituality #jizo #moss #serenity #greenery
Emerald whispers, Stone monks in silent prayer, Nature's quiet hymn. ---エメラルドの囁き、 石の僧侶静かに祈る、 自然の静かな賛歌。 ---#NatureMeditation #SpiritualSerenity #MossyMonks #TempleGardens #SacredJapan #OffbeatJapan #Japan